
Safeguarding blog, December 2022

British Judo take safeguarding and the safety of its members extremely seriously.

This is how the BJA (the British Judo Association) introduces safeguarding to readers on their website! 

But reality seems very different in several recent cases!  


Another safeguarding concern within judo has been raised on social media by a club that had the courage not to stand by but take action and report their concerns within the existing judo safeguarding structures.

This post has been shared in the GBJC FaceBook group and will be continously updated.   

Several elected persons within British judo have been requested to comment on this serious matter in the group and if not, reconsider their membership of a community group that allows persons to join and campaign during elections and therefore expect them to participate in their elected capacity afterwards!

But due to FaceBook community rules, along with GBJC group rules, you will need to join the GBJC FB group to find out more and follow the discussion!

FYI, there is an affiliation agreement between the BJA (British Judo Association) and the AJA (Amateur Judo Association) published on the BjA website:

BJA website

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